Saturday, August 27, 2011


Went on the countrylink website to book tickets for a trip to one of the grandparents's (<- s'ses's?) and well read below :)


When doing a booking (which I have cancelled till your reply) I accidentally filled the form for two adults & a child instead of two half fares and a child at the final price for the adults & child I noticed the child fare was only $1.82 (before gst) however when I started again with the correct half fare entitlement fares the child fare is $76.50 (before gst). I am finding this a little difficult to understand especially as in order to obtain a nsw half fare entitlement card one has to be receiving centrelink benefits which means a very low income yet the fare for the child traveling with two people on those very low income benefits (her parents in this case) is $74.68 more expensive than if they were traveling with someone not eligible for any concession entitlements and therefore more likely to be able to afford the higher child fare. Seems completely backwards don't you agree?
Hopefully you can help me to understand the pricing?
